At Rivers Academy, we believe parents and carers play an important part in our students’ academic lives so we seek to work closely with you to ensure the success and well-being of our students.

We aim to develop a strong partnership with parents and carers from the very start, putting in place the Home Agreement for each student and their family. This outlines the expectations of the student, encourages support and communication from the parent/carer and provides a commitment from the academy.

To foster positive and effective relationships with parents and carers, we organise a series of events such as:

  • Open Evening
  • Meet the Academic Mentor events
  • Parents Evening
  • Information Evenings
  • Raising Attainment presentations

In order to involve our parents and carers in decision making, we have established a Parent Forum. This is a representative body of parents and carers, providing an opportunity for parents and carers to put forward views to the Senior Leadership Team. The Parent Forum aims to be representative and inclusive of all parents and carers in the academy community, and the Forum allows those involved to learn more about the academy and to network with others in the community. We are always keen to grow both our Parent Forum and are always happy for parents and carers to get in touch should they be interested. Please email Tim Wormald ( if you are interested in attending the next Parent Forum. 

Communication is fundamental in growing such partnerships and we have a range of methods to share information and respond to queries. The academy website is updated periodically and provides information and guidance useful to parents and carers. We provide dedicated contact forms and guarantee to respond to emails and phone calls within 48 hours during term time.

Our Parent Forum meetings are scheduled half-termly and our Notes are shared below for the whole academy community to share:

Parent Forums 2023/24

Date Focus 
Thursday 2nd November 2023 Safeguarding: Social media
Thursday 11th January 2024 Year 11 Progress: A support programme for year 11 parents 
Thursday 8th February 2024 Safeguarding/PSHE: Personal Development programme and RSHE policy mid year consultation
Thursday 29th February 2024 Literacy: – how to support your child’s literacy
Thursday 21st March 2024 SEND: – how to support students with Special Educational Needs
Thursday 2nd May 2024  Maths/numeracy: – how to support your child numeracy
2023-24 Parent Forum Minutes

Parent Forum November 2023 Minutes

Parental Forum January 2024 – Year 11 Progress Slides

Parental Forum February 2024 – Literacy Slides

Parental Forum February 2024 – Personal Development Slides

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