Remote Education Strategy 2023- 2024

In the event of an academy closure, partial closure or prolonged student absence, the academy is committed to providing continuity of education for its students and will do so through a process of remote (online) learning. Students will continue their curriculum primarily through Google Classroom, with a small number of subjects using other secure platforms. This document outlines our strategy for remote education provision.


The academy will provide continuity of education in the following ways:

  • the setting of work for all lessons, including practical subjects, primarily using Google Classroom
  • the assessment of specific assignments that are submitted to teachers electronically
  • live lessons may take place in some subjects, if so these will be advertised on Google Classroom
  • a weekly live or pre-recorded assembly will be delivered
  • feedback (usually whole class) on work completed provided to students as appropriate and in line with the academy policy – at least once a week
  • students who are working to a high standard will also receive praise and recognition in the feedback, with those going above and beyond receiving postcards home
  • progress checks online – at least once a week, usually in the form of a quiz
  • communication between students and teachers via Google Classroom or academy emails
  • weekly homework available for all students as per the timetable, set on Classroom as an assignment with a due date.
  • contact made with home via email regarding any concerns with engagement/completion of work


Task Content and Setting

Students should follow their usual academy timetable when they are learning remotely.

  • all subjects will upload/set work as per the timetable at least 48 hours in advance (this can be scheduled on Google Classroom)
  • work will be uploaded into unit folders in line with the academy curriculum
  • homework for each week/unit will also be uploaded
  • a deadline will be set for all work: homework deadlines should be in line with normal academy/department policy and classwork deadlines should be set for the end of the day the lesson is on, giving students and families some flexibility during the day.
  • students may complete the task on paper and submit the work as a photograph if they find this easier
  • the Classroom will be organised so that it is easy for a student to find the work and each unit clearly labelled.
  • An hour-by-hour timetable will not be applied, giving students and families the flexibility within the day to complete the activities available.
  • Students should endeavour to meet the daily deadlines set, however we understand that due to varying circumstances this will not always be possible. No student will be penalised for late submission of an assignment.

Teaching & Learning Framework

The content and resources provided align with our academy curriculum plan. The lessons and resources set will continue to follow the planned curriculum. and our teaching and learning framework.

Teachers will ensure that work is accessible for all learners when setting online tasks. Learning Profiles will continue to be used for SEND students, and teachers have been provided with guidance from the SEND team about quality first teaching for SEND students.

Assessment and Feedback

Providing timely and helpful feedback is a cornerstone of good teaching and learning, and whilst this may be more challenging with remote learning, we will endeavour to provide regular feedback to students on pieces of work that they are required to submit. Under normal circumstances, not all pieces of work are formally assessed by teachers and this would continue to be the case in line with the academy feedback policy. Given the nature of the tasks, the type of feedback teachers can provide may not have the same format as marking an exercise book.

Examples include:

  • Providing whole class feedback rather than feedback on individual pieces of work e.g. an Evidence of Improvement slide for students to act upon feedback
  • Using the “Comment” function on online documents on Google
  • Using the mark box within the assignment on Google Classroom, with specific feedback/actions/grade
  • Feedback via HegartyMaths or other platform
  • Using a quiz/assessment on Google Forms, Rubrics. During a full lockdown, each group (one quiz per year group) will have a quiz on Google Forms once per week – this will enable the teacher to offer feedback and also monitor progress, engagement and completion.
  • responding to students on ‘the stream’ is also a form of feedback

Monitoring Student Engagement

In line with Department for Education guidance, the expectation is that class teachers check student engagement, work completion and progress (addressed through whole-class feedback/Evidence of Improvement and weekly quizzes) on a daily basis.

Staff will monitor student engagement and completion of work in a number of ways, including:

  • checking assignment completion/submitted
  • quality of work submitted
  • Google Form weekly quiz submitted
  • Google Form weekly quiz results
  • Teachers will contact parents and carers where students have not completed and submitted their work.


Live Sessions Format – Full Academy Closure Academic:

  • KS3 and KS4: One live session per week for core subjects (English and Maths)
  • Drama and Music lessons for KS3 will take place on a rota – please see Google Classrooms for the dates of these lessons.
  • KS5: one live lesson per week for all subjects (minimum)
  • Each session will last 30-45 minutes
  • The live session could be in one of several formats, including: instruction/modelling to introduce new learning, feedback/improvement tasks, reviewing prior learning, or formative assessment. This list is not exhaustive and there will be a range of strategies employed by the teacher that are subject specific and those that will have the greatest remote impact on learning.


  • All Key Stages: one session per week with Year Team Lead
  • Year 11 and Year 13 will have additional access to the effective revision programme.
  • Pastoral calls will only be made by tutors to those students who are not engaging with live subject/pastoral sessions or who are failing to submit adequate work.

Where there is a partial academy closure, for example for one-year group, the format of the live lessons will differ to the plan set out above as staff will continue to have other teaching commitments in the academy. Full details will be communicated in advance.

Parental Support

In order to access remote learning and learn effectively at home, it is important that students have: a device that can access the internet, such as a laptop, desktop computer or tablet; a quiet space where they can work without interruption, ideally with a desk; access to reading material.

We understand that remote learning can also present a challenge for you, and we kindly ask for your support so that we can continue to provide a high-quality education for your child during this time.

Our top tips:

  • Try to encourage your child to be ready and dressed for the start of the school day, and to keep to their timetable
  • Distinguish between weekdays and weekends, and make it clear when the school day is over, to separate home and school life
  • Plan breaks and exercise into the day to help keep your child active
  • As far as is possible, take an active role in your child’s learning, for example by asking them about their day and what work they have done


Monitoring and Quality Assurance

The Assistant Principal (Teaching & Learning) will maintain oversight of the remote learning plan.

The Head of Department should have access to view all classrooms to quality assure content and communications.

Our remote learning strategy forms an integral part of the Catch Up Funding Plan and will be reviewed half-termly.


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