
Who is GT Scholars?
GT Scholars is an education organisation that runs tutoring, mentoring and career insight
programmes for young people aged 11-18. They work collaboratively with schools, volunteers and
parents to create positive outcomes for young people.
Why is GT Scholars running this programme?
Women make up around 50% of the workforce in the UK. However, in the tech industry, only 24%
of roles are filled by women. There are approximately 2 million jobs in technology, and tech
employers are actively seeking to increase the diversity in their workplace and hire more women
into challenging, well-paid careers within this industry.
Programme details
The Girl Meets Code programme is for girls aged 12-16 living in the UK who are interested in
learning about the world of technology and coding. The girls will participate in practical projects
and team-building activities that do not require any previous coding experience. They will learn
from industry role models and mentors and get the chance to ask questions about careers in
How do I apply?
To get started and join our next intake:
● Fill in the application form on our website:

Girl Meets Code Summer Programme

● Complete an application form by Monday 29th July 2024. There are a limited number of
places available, so aim to complete the application form as soon as possible.
● Please feel free to contact GT Scholars on 02088168066 if you have any questions.


Rivers Academy celebrates tremendous results

for Year 11 students

We are incredibly proud of Rivers Academy Year 11 students who have been such a wonderful year group.  The year group has continually impressed staff with their resilience and perseverance throughout the pandemic.  They were the first year group to be able to return to the Academy from the first lockdown in the summer of their Year 10 and worked so conscientiously.

Principal, Andria Singlehurst said, “It is important to recognise how highly regarded this amazing group of young people are by staff at Rivers Academy, we are so proud of them and of the hard work they put into attaining these results. We are delighted that they have achieved so well across the full range of GCSE and Level 2 qualifications and are confident that they continue to do so next year and beyond.  They have been positive, resilient, engaged members of our Academy community and a real credit to their families and communities”.

Vice Principal, Alex Dixon, who worked closely with this year group, said of the group; “I would like to congratulate all our Year 11 students on the incredible levels of effort and resilience that they have shown in achieving their results.  I am immensely proud of what each individual has achieved and wish them every success in the future”.

Rivers Academy staff have worked incredibly hard to ensure that every student has continued to receive the best education possible throughout their studies. The Academy staff wish each and every student the very best for their future, whether continuing into Rivers Academy sixth form or continuing their studies further afield.

Staff across the Academy have really enjoyed working with this year group and, despite the unprecedented challenge faced, there have again been some exceptional individual performances across subjects.

Today sees 66% of students receiving grade 4+ in English and Maths and 48% 5+ in English and Maths, with many students celebrating the prestigious grade 9 in their results across subjects.  Over a quarter of students achieved the highest grades in English Language, English Literature, Combined Science, French and Spanish.

Academy staff wish all students every success for the future and look forward to welcoming so many back to continued success in sixth form.

P16 results Rivers Academy

Rivers Academy celebrates best ever results with another increase in the percentage of the very highest grades.

Year 13 Rivers Academy students are celebrating exceptional results with staff today as they reach the culmination of their study at the thriving sixth form.  Their conscientious and determined study, despite any challenges they encountered along the way, has led to outstanding achievements in their A levels and BTEC qualifications this summer.

An incredible 36% of entries were awarded an A* or A grade and over half of all entries were awarded grades A*-B. Academy staff are delighted that all students have passed and that the average grade awarded to all entries has increased to an impressive B grade. The Principal recognises the absolute determination and focus of these incredible students inspired by expert guidance and teaching from the Academy’s impressive staff.  This is another phenomenal achievement for the community in the face of such a changing landscape over the course of their studies.

This year, following the cancellation of exams, grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades, against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards.  Students should feel, quite rightly, deeply proud of their incredible achievements.

Andria Singlehurst, Principal, said, “We are all very proud of the efforts and achievements of our students, particularly in the face of the pandemic. They are incredible young people who have such strength and exceptional futures ahead of them. We look forward to hearing of their successes going forward. Every adult in our Academy has worked to ensure students are able to progress onto further education, study or the career pathway of their choice.  My congratulations to all students on their results and to the amazing Rivers staff who care so deeply and who have supported them throughout. We wish them all the very best with their future endeavours”.

Barnardo’s ‘See, Hear, Respond’ service

See, Hear, Respond is a service provided across England by Barnardo’s and other national and local community-based organisations in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

See, Hear, Respond, provides support to children, young people and their families who aren’t currently seeing a social worker or other agency, and who are struggling to cope with the emotional impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19). See, Hear, Respond will support from pre-birth up to 18 years of age and those with special educational needs under the age of 25.

See, Hear, Respond will contact every referral made, so no child is missed. Help is available in one or more of four ways:

  • an online hub of support and information
  • online counselling and therapy
  • face-to-face support for those most affected and at risk of some of today’s most pertinent issues, such as criminal exploitation, and
    helping children and young people reintegrate back into school

You can access via the ‘See, Hear, Respond’ service self-referral webpage or Freephone 0800 151 7015.

Incredible GCSE Results for students at Rivers

Year 11 students at Rivers Academy West London have achieved record-breaking GCSE results.

A fantastic 70% of students achieved Grade 4 and above in both GCSE English and Maths and 45% of students achieved Grade 5 or above in English and Maths. Some 39% of students achieved the prestigious Ebacc with 25% of students achieving a strong EBacc.

The impressive GCSE results come a week after the academy also celebrated record A-level results: A phenomenal 27% of all A-level grades were at A*-A and 53% of all grades were at A*-B.

Students successfully secured their places at a number of Russell Group universities, including Oxford, Imperial, Birmingham and Queen Mary.

One student also found herself heading to the US to begin studying at the prestigious RICE University in Texas, dubbed the ‘Harvard of the South’.

RICE University has approximately 27000 applications every year and accepts 2000, only 10% of whom are overseas students.

Principal at Rivers, Andria Singlehurst, said “On behalf of Rivers Academy students I would like to thank the entire team of staff.

‘’This is the culmination of five years of dedication and determination. Forensic scrutiny by academy staff led to confident submission of grades for students, this extensive moderation ensured the integrity of the Academy’s results process in a national picture of uncertainty.

‘’We look forward to welcoming so many of our Year 11 students to Post 16 study with us and wish every student the very best for their next step. We are really looking forward to hearing about their future successes. They are the leaders of the future.  This cohort of students has worked incredibly hard to earn these results whilst supporting their friends through a year unlike any other. We have loved seeing them develop into such well-rounded individuals. We wish them every success in their futures and are looking forward to seeing so many of them again in September as they join our Sixth Form for further study.”

This year’s grades reflect a now long established trajectory of improvement at the school for GCSE students and this year’s results are the best in the academy’s 9-year history.

Record A-level results for students at Rivers Academy West London

This year’s grades reflect a now long established trajectory of improvement at the school for A-level students and this year’s results are the best in Rivers Academy’s history.

A phenomenal 27% of all A-level grades were at A* or A and 53% of all grades were at A*- B.

This year’s cohort of 40 students have secured places at prestigious UK and US universities including Oxford University and the highly esteemed RICE University in Houston, Texas.

Principal Andria Singlehurst said: ‘’We are thrilled with the results which mirror the exceptional drive of our students coupled with the dedication of all staff.

This truly is an awe-inspiring achievement for students and staff at the Academy.  Students have benefited from learning in an Academy with a whole team of staff who are steadfast in ensuring every child reaches their fullest potential, they have learned from teachers who are experts in their field.

Our Year 13 students have worked with such determination and we are incredibly proud of them, particularly as they have navigated with us such astonishing times through the pandemic in the closing months of their secondary education.

They are a remarkable cohort who have been such a source of strength for each other through the seven years we have enjoyed working with them. We wish every student the very best for their next steps and are really looking forward to hearing about their future brilliant successes.

On behalf of Rivers Academy students, I would like to thank the entire team of staff for their dedication and profound moral drive which has led to such tremendous results for students.’’

Consultation on Admissions Policy

Please find below documents regarding the consultation of our Admissions Policy at Rivers Academy

Statutory Notice of Consultation

Proposed Admissions Policy 2021

Incredible donation from Merck

Merck is a locally based healthcare and life sciences company that have recently moved  offices to Bedfont Lakes Business Park.They had their official opening ceremony to  present Rivers Academy with a cheque

Mrs Palmira Joao, Assistant Principal (Science and Technology) of Rivers Academy and two pupils, Abi Braha and Shay O’Rourke–Woods, attended the opening ceremony and received the donation.



Mrs Joao said:

“On behalf of all students and staff at Rivers Academy, we are deeply grateful to Merck  employees for this generous donation which will help support generations of future scientists at our school.  Our student council has decided to invest the donation in various science projects such as  robotic kits, a telescope , planetarium, and a botanical garden to help pupils  study ecology. These will not only enhance the curriculum but also provide extra-curricular scientific opportunities for all students




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