
The PSHE department at Rivers Academy offers a broad and varied curriculum which incorporates Religious Studies and Citizenship, through timetabled lessons, Academic Mentoring, Deep Learning Days and Applied Transdisciplinary Learning. Our Vision is to foster student’s wellbeing and self-care while promoting a culture of resilience within the learning environment. Our aim is to equip each child with the skills to succeed in this fast-changing world by developing written and verbal communication, reasoning skills, and the ability to work independently and with others. Our PSHE curriculum offers students opportunities to prepare for life outside of school and look forward and prepare for the future.  All students study Religious Education in their Personal Development lessons. The curriculum draws from the Hounslow agreed syllabus and students learn about all of the major religious and non religious perspectives. Parents have a right to withdraw from religious education, which can be exercised by completing the form at the end of this link.


Key Stage Three

In Years 7-9  we aim to actualise strategies to overcome stress and anxieties, persevere and problem solve through challenges, develop and maintain their physical and mental health, build healthy, safe and strong relationships both personally and professionally and evaluate choices and make decisions to support wellness and minimise health risks. This is delivered through a variety of themes which aim to combat the difficulties and challenges that our young people face in the modern world. 

The PSHE curriculum also incorporates elements of Citizenship and Religious Education. The Citizenship curriculum at Key Stage Three aims to teach students about structures and institutions, such as: The Law, British Values and Power. These are important themes in the curriculum so that our students can understand more about the world they live in and the structures in our society. In Religious Education we look at the key principles of the largest six religions in the world and aim to understand how religion unites us all on big issues around the world like education and war. 

Key Stage Four

In Year 10 and 11, the PSHE curriculum is delivered through Deep Learning days. These days are an immersive dive into the challenges that our Key Stage Four children face. These days are flexible in content and knowledge because they are aimed to address the needs of the students. We hypothesis that these days will be based around healthy, safe relationships and Sex Education. The rationale for this is that children are growing up faster and our Key Stage Four students will be going through or are going through puberty and these topics will start to be prevalent in their social time. We aim to highlight the importance of making sure that our students know how to stay safe.


The curriculum is implemented through Academic Mentoring sessions and Drop Down days, as well as the majority of the curriculum for Key Stage 3 delivered through lessons. The curriculum is delivered through a variety of mediums and aims for students to actively participate and engage in lessons such as games and interactive resources.  Each half term will be based around one of the three themes in the PSHE curriculum. Life in the wider world, Healthy Lifestyle and Relationship Sex Education. Each half term’s learning will be assessed by unique AFL’s for each lesson and half termly literacy assessments.


Personal Development CURRICULUM OVERVIEW
Personal Development ASSESSMENT JOURNEY


We aim to combat as many of the risks and dangers our students face, giving them accurate, practical and useful information which they can use if they need to. We aim to educate them and give them the best possible chance in their future and life outside of school and shape them to be a well rounded, responsible individual. It gives students strategies and tools to call upon when they face barriers and obstacles and they will be equipped to draw upon the resources and knowledge they have been taught. They will have learnt the importance of resilience and how to build it. They will have well rounded knowledge about living a healthy lifestyle and making good choices around smoking and alcohol. They will have well rounded knowledge about healthy relationships and how to identify unhealthy relationships.

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